Hungarian, as a second language for beginners and intermediate or advanced-level learners

Zsuzsanna Gaál has experience in teaching Hungarian in Hungary and abroad.
If you do not have an opportunity to learn this language close to your home or do not have the time to travel, online classes are the perfect solution for your education. method is perfect to provide education.
The 12-week course begins in winter 2011. 1-and a half-hour classes will be held twice a week.
At the end of the term the students who took part in the course will be able to take a Hungarian language exam.
The course will be run with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 participants. The system, which enables real-time communication between all the participants, just like in the case of the classroom course, will be installed and run on our own server.
All the classes will be recorded in case of problems or complaints and the recorded data will be erased after a few days.
Topics (2011 spring)
It is also possible to take individual courses. If you are interested then please write us an emaill.
Application, information: